
      Horizon Performance Technologies offers various shipping methods based on the product you purchase. A signature is required upon delivery for all orders, which ensures the package arrives to you in addition to helping reduce stolen or lost packages.
      Available shipping methods typically include:

      • UPS Ground
      • UPS 3 Day Select
      • UPS 2nd Day Air
      • UPS Next Day Air Saver
      • UPS Next Day Air
      Here is a map showing the transit times for UPS Ground from Waukesha, WI 53189:

UPS Shipping map from 53189

Shipping Rates

To calculate shipping cost, add the item(s) to the shopping cart. When on the shopping cart screen input your "ship to" zip code and state and the site will pull down all shipping options live from each respective carrier.

Shipping Cutoffs

Most orders placed before 3:30PM CST ship the same business day for stock product(s). We recommend placing orders before the cut off time to ensure we have time to package and ready your product(s) for shipping. If the product is not in stock at our warehouse, expediting shipping options are available from the manufacturer. Please note that an expedite fee may apply.

Shipping Methods

HPT also offers shipping using the customers’ account. Call and place your order over the phone and Horizon will ship the product(s) with your UPS or FedEx account. Please note that handling charges may apply.

International Shipping

HPT will ship to any country in the world with the customer’s shipping company and account. Place your order over the phone or by email and HPT will make the product(s) available for pickup. Please note that inbound freight and handling charges may apply.


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